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WILD DUBACH AG Rechtsanwälte | Notariat (Basel)

0 Reviews

Area of ex­per­tise

Ad­min­is­trat­ive law
Ad­min­is­trat­ive law (gen­eral)
Civil ser­vice law
Con­sti­tu­tional law
Cus­toms law
Data pro­tec­tion law
Edu­ca­tion law
En­vir­on­mental law
For­eign na­tionals law
Health­care law
Law on pub­lic tenders
Pub­lic pro­ced­ural law
Tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions law
Bank­ruptcy and pro­ced­ural law
Debt-col­lec­tion and bank­ruptcy law
Pro­bate law (plan­ning)
Build­ing and plan­ning law
Build­ing law
Ex­pro­pri­ation law
Plan­ning law
Civil law
Cer­ti­fic­a­tion law
Civil pro­ced­ure law
Di­vorce law
Guard­i­an­ship law
In­her­it­ance law
Law of prop­erty
Law on per­sons, as­so­ci­ations and found­a­tions
Mat­ri­mo­nial and co­hab­it­a­tion law
Minors law
Com­mer­cial law
Ban­king law
Com­pany law
Li­cence law
Se­cur­it­ies law
Stock ex­change law and ca­pi­tal mar­ket law
Trans­port­a­tion law
Contract law
Dis­tri­bu­tion con­tract law
In­form­a­tion tech­no­logy law
Law of em­ploy­ment
Law on con­tracts for ser­vices and man­date
Sale of goods
Ten­an­cies and leases law
Travel law
Crim­inal law
Ad­min­is­trat­ive crim­inal law
Busi­ness crim­inal law
Crim­inal law (gen­eral)
Crim­inal pro­ced­ure law
Law on pro­tec­tion of crime vic­tims
Traffic law
In­telec­tual prop­erty law
Ad­vert­ising law
Anti-trust and com­pet­i­tion law
Copy­right law
Design law
Media law
Trade mark law
In­ter­na­tional law
Mu­tual ju­di­cial as­sist­ance (in­ter­na­tional)
Private law (in­ter­na­tional)
Legal li­ab­il­ity and in­sur­ance law
Health­care law
Law on pen­sion funds
Legal li­ab­il­ity law
Private in­sur­ance law
Product li­ab­il­ity law
So­cial in­sur­ance law
Tax law
Cor­por­ate tax­a­tion
Social se­cur­ity con­tri­bu­tions
Tax­a­tions of nat­ural per­sons
Value added tax


Price per hour from CHF 300.-
Price per hour to CHF 300.-



Location and contact

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WILD DUBACH AG Rechtsanwälte | Notariat

  • office address office address

    Sankt Alban-Vorstadt 104 4052 Basel


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WILD DUBACH AG Rechtsanwälte | Notariat

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