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Bäumlin Partner Advokatur und Mediation (Basel)

Bäumlin Partner Advokatur und Mediation has been rated 2 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

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About Us

Fees according to agreement and statutory regulations

Year of patent: 2000

Year: 1968

Designated person


Area of ex­per­tise

Contract law
Civil law
Di­vorce law
Mat­ri­mo­nial and co­hab­it­a­tion law
Crim­inal law
Ad­min­is­trat­ive crim­inal law

Industry associations

Swiss Bar Association



Location and contact

Show directions

Bäumlin Partner Advokatur und Mediation

  • office address office address

    Hans-Huber-Strasse 15 4002 Basel

  • Daniel Bäumlin


Do you wish to rate "Bäumlin Partner Advokatur und Mediation"?

Bäumlin Partner Advokatur und Mediation has been rated 2 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

Review from C. H.


Very friendly, was also so nice to accept a separation without advance payment. He trusted me. Then bent some files around. Some advice given. It's just what lawyers do. For me in my situation at that time simply too little performance for CHF 250.-/h, and I had to terminate the engagement for financial reasons before a court date. I was then unable to pay the fee immediately and communicated that; that it would be paid at the end two months after invoicing. Then there was an end to friendly; a mafia gangster would probably be even more understanding and above all more respectful. I was treated like the last Glungibueb who didn't deserve it. In this respect, I would advise anyone not to use this lawyer if they are looking for real humanity. Who needs the hard guy in the soft fur, is probably well advised here with prepayment. I could never treat my customers that way. Here definitely only the money rules, and then advice at fair conditions. *

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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Bäumlin Partner Advokatur und Mediation