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Roland Schürch Notariat und Advokatur (Bern)

Roland Schürch Notariat und Advokatur has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

About Us

Divorce law, marriage protection, inheritance law, family law, notarial services

Year of patent: 2011

Year: 1981

Designated person


Area of ex­per­tise

Crim­inal law
Bank­ruptcy and pro­ced­ural law
Pro­bate law (plan­ning)
Civil law
Ag­ri­cul­tural land and in­her­it­ance law
Cer­ti­fic­a­tion law
Civil pro­ced­ure law
Di­vorce law
Guard­i­an­ship law
In­her­it­ance law
Law of prop­erty
Law on per­sons, as­so­ci­ations and found­a­tions
Mat­ri­mo­nial and co­hab­it­a­tion law
Minors law
Contract law
Sale of goods
Ten­an­cies and leases law


Price per hour from CHF 170.-
Price per hour to CHF 300.-

Industry associations

Swiss Bar Association



Location and contact

Show directions

Roland Schürch Notariat und Advokatur

  • office address office address

    Amthausgasse 28 3001 Bern

  • Roland Schürch

  • Phone Phone
    0313... Show number 031 311 61 22
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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Roland Schürch Notariat und Advokatur has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

Review from anna@


Mr. Schürch is very friendly and immediately left a competent impression. Got an appointment immediately. I immediately felt very good and elevated. He always informed me immediately of news. I could always reach him by phone and if not, he called me back within 10 minutes! I also received an answer to e-mails the next day at the latest, but mostly on the same day. I had the best result I could wish for and I owe that to Mr Schürch. Absolutely recommendable! *

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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