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RSG Rechtsanwaltsbüro (St. Gallen)

RSG Rechtsanwaltsbüro has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

Area of ex­per­tise

Ad­min­is­trat­ive law
Ad­min­is­trat­ive law (gen­eral)
Civil ser­vice law
Con­sti­tu­tional law
Data pro­tec­tion law
Edu­ca­tion law
Law on pub­lic tenders
Pub­lic pro­ced­ural law
Bank­ruptcy and pro­ced­ural law
Debt-col­lec­tion and bank­ruptcy law
Build­ing and plan­ning law
Build­ing law
Ex­pro­pri­ation law
Plan­ning law
Civil law
Ag­ri­cul­tural land and in­her­it­ance law
Cer­ti­fic­a­tion law
Civil pro­ced­ure law
Di­vorce law
Guard­i­an­ship law
In­her­it­ance law
Law of prop­erty
Law on per­sons, as­so­ci­ations and found­a­tions
Mat­ri­mo­nial and co­hab­it­a­tion law
Minors law
Com­mer­cial law
Com­pany law
Contract law
Dis­tri­bu­tion con­tract law
Equal treat­ment law
In­form­a­tion tech­no­logy law
Law of em­ploy­ment
Law on con­tracts for ser­vices and man­date
Sale of goods
Ten­an­cies and leases law
Travel law
Crim­inal law
Ad­min­is­trat­ive crim­inal law
Busi­ness crim­inal law
Crim­inal law (gen­eral)
Crim­inal pro­ced­ure law
Law on pro­tec­tion of crime vic­tims
Mil­it­ary penal law
Traffic law
In­telec­tual prop­erty law
Anti-trust and com­pet­i­tion law
In­ter­na­tional law
Private law (in­ter­na­tional)
Legal li­ab­il­ity and in­sur­ance law
Health­care law
Legal li­ab­il­ity law
Private in­sur­ance law
Product li­ab­il­ity law
Tax law
Cor­por­ate tax­a­tion
Tax­a­tions of nat­ural per­sons


Price per hour from CHF 250.-
Price per hour to CHF 350.-

Staff Profile

RA M.A. HSG in Law Raffael Gübeli
RA M.A. HSG in Law Raffael Gübeli

Location and contact

Show directions

RSG Rechtsanwaltsbüro

  • office address office address

    Kammelenbergstrasse 38 9011 St. Gallen

  • Raffael Gübeli


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RSG Rechtsanwaltsbüro has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

Review from vere@


Mr. Gübeli represented me in labor law. He works very professionally and expertly and has great empathy. The procedure was always discussed with me first. Questions were always answered competently by him. I can recommend Mr. Gübeli very highly. I thank him very much for his commitment. *

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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