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Weber Wyler von Gleichenstein (Frauenfeld)

Weber Wyler von Gleichenstein has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
13 Reviews

About Us

Liability and insurance law, social security law, national and international child and adult protection law, inheritance law (division of estates and execution of wills) and matrimonial property law, media law (personality rights, counterstatement), trademark law, debt collection and bankruptcy law (debt restructuring proceedings, provisional and definitive legal opening, etc.) as well as enforcement law, contract law (in particular employment law, tenancy law, sales contract law, etc.), private and public construction law, criminal law and criminal defense.


2004-2010 Studies at the University of Zurich, degree in law (working student) 2006-2007 Studied abroad at the University of Maastricht, NL 2009-2012 Employee in the legal department of a legal expenses insurance company 2012-2013 Legal clerkship at a district court in Zurich 2013-2016 Project-based activities in the areas of investigation and fiduciary services 2016-2021 Worked as a lawyer with independent mandate management 2022-2024 Legal actuary at a KESB in the canton of Thurgau Since 2024 Attorney at law with Weber Wyler von Gleichenstein AG

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Designated person


Area of ex­per­tise

Ad­min­is­trat­ive law
En­vir­on­mental law
Pub­lic pro­ced­ural law
Bank­ruptcy and pro­ced­ural law
Debt-col­lec­tion and bank­ruptcy law
Build­ing and plan­ning law
Build­ing law
Ex­pro­pri­ation law
Civil law
Cer­ti­fic­a­tion law
Civil pro­ced­ure law
Guard­i­an­ship law
In­her­it­ance law
Law of prop­erty
Law on per­sons, as­so­ci­ations and found­a­tions
Mat­ri­mo­nial and co­hab­it­a­tion law
Minors law
Com­mer­cial law
Com­pany law
Contract law
In­form­a­tion tech­no­logy law
Law of em­ploy­ment
Law on con­tracts for ser­vices and man­date
Sale of goods
Crim­inal law
Busi­ness crim­inal law
In­telec­tual prop­erty law
Media law
Trade mark law
In­ter­na­tional law
European law
Mu­tual ju­di­cial as­sist­ance (in­ter­na­tional)
Private law (in­ter­na­tional)
Legal li­ab­il­ity and in­sur­ance law
Health­care law
Law on pen­sion funds
Legal li­ab­il­ity law
Private in­sur­ance law
So­cial in­sur­ance law


Price per hour from CHF 280.-

Staff Profile

Herr lic.iur. Raphael Schmid
Herr lic.iur. Raphael Schmid

Industry associations

Swiss Bar Association



Location and contact

Show directions

Weber Wyler von Gleichenstein

  • office address office address

    Zürcherstrasse 310 8500 Frauenfeld

  • Raphael M. Schmid

  • Phone Phone
    0525... Show number 052 577 05 41 *
    0788... Show mobile number 078 807 22 44 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Weber Wyler von Gleichenstein has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
13 Reviews

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Weber Wyler von Gleichenstein