lawyers in the canton of Bern that offer Traffic law (53)
Advokatur Martin Dreifuss
PremiumIndustry associationsBernNeuengasse 45, 3011 Bern0 ReviewsOpen now031 305 44 22 0313... Show number 031 305 44 22 031 305 44 22 *Open nowCriminal lawDivorce lawFamily lawMaintenance lawInheritance lawContract CheckLegal Advice -
PremiumIndustry associationsThunBuchholzstrasse 7, 3604 ThunADVOKATUR ZORYAN has been rated 5 out of 5 stars53 Reviews031 533 51 00 0315... Show number 031 533 51 00 031 533 51 00From CHF 280.- per hour to 360.- -
Advokatur Bühler
PremiumBernFalkenplatz 1, 3012 BernAdvokatur Bühler has been rated 5 out of 5 stars516 Reviews031 305 00 19 0313... Show number 031 305 00 19 031 305 00 19 *From CHF 250.- per hour to 350.-Assessment of your starting position and your opportunitiesRepresentation of your interests vis-à-vis the party responsible for the damage and its liability insuranceIndependent second opinion on an existing offerObjections and complaints to social insurance -
Hazeraj Advo GmbH
PremiumIndustry associationsBiel/BienneNidaugase 14, 2502 Biel/BienneHazeraj Advo GmbH has been rated 3 out of 5 stars32 Reviews032 525 33 18 0325... Show number 032 525 33 18 032 525 33 18 *From CHF 220.- per hour -
Anwaltskanzlei Zafira Wernli
PremiumIndustry associationsBernMonbijoustrasse 34, 3011 Bern0 ReviewsOpen nowFrom CHF 250.- per hourOpen nowLegal Advice -
GRAENICHER. Rechtsanwälte
Industry associationsBernSchanzenstrasse 5, 3001 Bern0 Reviews026 662 68 42 0266... Show number 026 662 68 42 026 662 68 42 *From CHF 200.- per hourLegal AdviceDivorce and separationDivorce lawyer BernLawyer for criminal law BernCost-effective and efficient -
Bigler Kaufmann Wendling Rechtsanwälte
BernSchwarztorstrasse 7, 3007 BernBigler Kaufmann Wendling Rechtsanwälte has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 Reviews031 332 66 55 0313... Show number 031 332 66 55 031 332 66 55From CHF 200.- per hour to 250.- -
Advokatur Zingg Righetti
Industry associationsBurgdorfKirchbühl 4, 3400 Burgdorf0 Reviews034 422 45 49 0344... Show number 034 422 45 49 034 422 45 49From CHF 250.- per hour -
Andreas Imobersteg
Industry associationsBernHodlerstrasse 16, 3001 Bern0 Reviews031 326 86 86 0313... Show number 031 326 86 86 031 326 86 86 -
Winzenried | Legal
Industry associationsThunBälliz 52, 3600 Thun0 Reviews078 636 56 96 0786... Show number 078 636 56 96 078 636 56 96
* This company does not want promotional calls.
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